Worldwide TV Needs OUTLANDER!

For those of you on Twitter, here's a great opportunity to let the TV networks worldwide know you'd like to see OUTLANDER!
Please tag your tweets TODAY, February 26, from 8-10pm GMT (3-5pm Eastern, 12-2pm Pacific), with #WorldwideTVNeedsOUTLANDER.
Here's a post from Outlander Ambassadors with more information about the Twitter event. From the announcement:
This effort has four goals:Diana Gabaldon commented recently about international sales:
1. To bring Outlander and its large existing fan base to the attention of networks in countries we have not yet targeted, hopefully resulting in the quick sale of broadcasting rights to the series.
2. To demonstrate the amount of fan support broadcasters in the UK and New Zealand can expect from Outlander fans once the series airs, hopefully resulting in the quick sale of the rights there.
3. To demonstrate to Foxtel that fans will indeed support the series when it airs in Australia (and to thank them for being the first non-North American broadcaster to acquire the rights.)
4. To trend our hash-tag in as many countries as possible.
One of the Sony people explained to me that historically, most foreign countries wait ‘til after a new show has been out for at least one season, before deciding whether to buy it or not. However, this same person also noted that that trend has been changing of late, and that s/he would not be surprised if foreign sales happened more quickly with OUTLANDER, as there’s so much interest in it. (So YES! Definitely keep on agitating with your local TV outlets and keep demonstrating your interest—it does help!)Even if you already have access to a channel that will broadcast the series, please tag your tweets today with #WorldwideTVNeedsOUTLANDER to show your support for OUTLANDER fans in other countries. (And even if you're not on Twitter, you can see all the posts here.)
Look here for more information about this Twitter campaign. I will be at work with very limited access to Twitter during the time this event is scheduled, but I hope as many fans as possible will participate! Please help spread the word to any other OUTLANDER fans you may know.
For more about the OUTLANDER TV series, see my FAQ page here.