Here are the results of the June poll, which asked the question, "What's your favorite way to read or listen to Diana Gabaldon's books?"
- 23.22% - Reading the books in hardcover.
- 18.01% - Reading on my Kindle, Nook, or other e-reader.
- 12.99% - Reading the books in paperback.
- 11.66% - Listening to the audiobooks on my iPod, smartphone, or other portable device.
- 5.97% - It depends on the situation, or what mood I'm in.
- 5.21% - Reading on my iPhone, iPad, or similar device.
- 3.32% - Listening to the audiobook and following along in the text at the same time.
- 2.37% - Listening to the CDs.
- 14.60% - All of the above.
- 2.65% - Other
Here are the results for "Other":
- paperback or kobo
- The book on my lap, Celtic folk music in my ear, and a dram of GlenGoyne!
- Trade paperback with a side of hardcover
- All of the above, except Hardcover
- Hardcover AND Nook. Hardcover during the day, Nook at night (back lighting).
- First read, hard cover and for re-reads, either audio or e-book.
- First read has to be hardcover or paperback, then audiobook after that
- I have the soft-cover books and find that they are easy so snuggle with...
- Habe a guy that looks and sounds like Jaime read it to me!
- Easier on ageing eyes to use an e-reader where small font can be enlarged.
- Reading hardcovers, paperbacks and listening on audio, depending on which book I
- Books, Kindle, and Audible!
- will e-read MOBY; suspect print more satisfying
- First read in trade paperback and all subsequent reads on my Kindle
- First time through--book (any mode), then the audiobook on my MP3 player.
- however I can get them
- Listening during my sleep
- The big paperbacks or hardcover
- Either hardcover or paperback.
- all of above except CDs.
- Hardcover, paperback, kindle, Ipod when walking.
- I read the hardcover as soon as it's released, then re-read in paperback.
- All but love Davina Porter's narration the best
- Any wriyyen form available. I have a hard time listening.
- Read first on my phone, listen the second time
- Listening to the audiobooks in my car in traffic
- always books hardback or paperback
- Hardback, paperback, & Nook are all available.
There were 1055 responses to this poll. Thanks very much to all of you who participated! Please take a moment to vote in the July poll, which asks about the length of time you have been reading Diana Gabaldon's books.
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