Diana Gabaldon's cameo appearance
Here's a brief video of Diana talking about her experience on the set. SPOILER WARNING: If you don't want to see the actual scenes from Episode 104 in which Diana appears, don't watch this video!
Note to people outside the US, I have no idea if these videos will work for you or not.

Here are Diana Gabaldon and Executive Producer Ronald D. Moore, as they appeared in Episode 104. I think their costumes are just gorgeous! (By the way, Diana says that she was the one who came up with her character's name, Iona MacTavish.)
Some of you may recall that Diana posted a detailed two-part account of her visit to the set in February, including what it was like to film her cameo appearance. It's definitely worth reading, especially now that many of us have seen Episode 104 ("The Gathering"), in which she appears.
Diana speaks about her cameo worked fine for me in Europe ! Our Diana and Ron are magnificent in their lovely 18th century outfits !
Also, the type of long flowing clothes she likes to wear in real life, really makes her look exotic, almost like a sprite.