Help celebrate the #OutlanderWedding on Twitter!
In honor of Jamie and Claire's upcoming wedding in Episode 107 of the OUTLANDER TV series, we are having an #OutlanderWedding Twitter party on Saturday, September 20, starting at 8pm ET (5pm Pacific, 1 am in the UK).
Details here. If you're on Twitter, please tag your tweets with #OutlanderWedding on Saturday. Let's see if we can get it trending!
There have been a number of these OUTLANDER-related Twitter campaigns in recent months, some of them quite successful. I was the one who came up with the idea for this one. <g> I suggested it to Outlander Ambassadors after seeing the hashtag in the wedding invitation that STARZ posted the other day (pictured above -- click on the image for a bigger view), and I'm delighted to see that they took my suggestion and ran with it.
Hope you'll join us on Saturday! Please spread the word to anyone else you know who may be interested. Thanks!
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