To those of you on Facebook
Lately my site has been averaging about 150 visitors per day. Yesterday, December 23, there were 385 visitors (!), the vast majority of them coming from Facebook. I think that's a new record for this blog; even the day of ECHO's release, I didn't get that many visitors. I'm delighted to see all the new people coming to check out my blog.
The sudden jump in traffic took me completely by surprise, because I hadn't even known that fan page existed. (Thanks to Diana Larson for clearing up the mystery for me <g>) I still don't know who posted the link, but whoever you are, thank you so much!
I'm relatively new to Facebook, having joined only in September 2009, but I'm having fun with it so far.
If you've found my blog through Facebook, welcome, and feel free to look around. I think you'll find quite a lot of things here of interest to OUTLANDER fans.
And in case you're wondering, yes, I am the same Karen Henry who's mentioned in the Acknowledgements of AN ECHO IN THE BONE as the "Czarina of Traffic" in Diana's section of the Compuserve Books and Writers Community. <g> New members are always welcome there, and if any of you have a question or a comment for Diana, I would encourage you to post on the forum.
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